Job Seekers
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Email Address
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One lowercase character
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One number
Eight characters minimum
A number in the 000-000-0000 format is required.
Zip Code
A valid zip code is required.
Birth Date
A valid Birth Date is required.
Why I Am Here
I have not yet applied to Yavapai College
I have applied to Yavapai College, but have not yet enrolled in classes
I am a high school student, not enrolled at Yavapai College
I am a high school student and enrolled at Yavapai College
I am enrolled in classes and exploring my interests
I am enrolled and looking for an internship
I am enrolled and looking for a job
I am not enrolled, I am just seeking employment
I would like to complete my High School diploma
I am an Adult Education Student
I would like to obtain my High School equivalency certification
I would like to take English as a Second Language Class
Field of Study
Applied Technology
Behavioral Science and Human Services
Business, Entrepreneurialism, and Management
Computer and Information Technology
Culture and Society
Health Sciences
Visual and Performing Arts
I'm not sure
Student ID (Y#)
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